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About Access Keys
Sending a key

When browsing a member's profile, you may want to share your private photos with them.

To do this scroll down to the bottom of their profile and click the button "SEND KEY"
This will mail them a KEY that ONLY they can use to access your photos

Revoking a key

You can revoke a key at anytime which will prevent any further access to your private photos.
To do this scroll down to the bottom of their profile and click the button "REVOKE KEY"

Just as in real life, there is no pressure to respond to a key, and nobody will be offended if you don't. However, you might just feel a devilish urge to share your own photos with them ;)

Key lists

To see all the keys you have sent / received in one place go to Keys.

This is a new system and we would welcome any feedback.

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