Password Recovery by entering your email address

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Password Recovery by entering your username

I forgot my password !

Use this one if you know your Login Name

Enter your login name only:

Note: if you have deleted your account please contact us by email. (This one won't work!)
Password Recovery by entering your email address

I forgot everything

Try entering your email address below

Enter your e-mail:

Note1: if you know your login name use options 1.
Note2: if you have deleted your account please contact us by email. (This one won't work!)
Password Recovery by entering your username

Deleted my account and want it back ?

I'm still waiting for my password and it's been over 10 minutes?

Please contact us by email with as much information as possible to help us find the account

  • Account Login Name ?
  • Email address ?
  • Password ?

We can usually help providing we can be sure it's your account.

(Deleted Accounts: If not contacting us from the registered email address please include login name and password to speed things up).

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