Local Swingers UK Website > How to contact us.

Local Swingers

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Should you need to contact us:

Internal Mail

We can be contacted online using our internal mail system and is usually the quickest way to contact us.
Login to your account first and then come back to this page.


Our email address is support@local-swingers.co.uk.
Please remember to include your login name and if we need anything else we will come back to you.

Help Page

Your question may already be answered on our Help page.


Meet Marvin our complaints manager ;)

Yes, we have a sense of humour and believe me you need one around here sometimes!
If you come across something that needs our attention please mail support


Depending on your enquiry and how you contact us, we may need to ask some security type questions before we can help or confirm anything.

How long does it take?

We try to reply on the same day, but always within 24 hours.

Lost your login?

If you have lost your login details we can usually help once we are sure it's your account. Sometimes it's easy to confirm, but not always and may take several days. We will only give out details when we are 100% confident you are the account owner.

For most enquiries our internal mail system is the quickest way for us to help you.


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